Friday, August 20, 2010

Survery: Adobe Photoshop CS3. Yes or No questions. Really need the answers!!!?

Please, only people who use Photoshop CS3 for editing photos and web design!!! Just write yes or no for each question. I am doing the research. Thank you very much!!!!

1. Do you use a lot of professional tools that Photoshop CS3 provides? Yes No

2. Does using Adobe Photoshop CS3 make web design process more efficient for you? Yes No

3. Have you ever used the technical support of Adobe Photoshop? Yes No

4. If yes, was it helpful? Yes No

5. Would you upgrade to the latest version of Adobe Photoshop - CS3 extended? Yes No

6. Have you used provided Adobe Photoshop CS3 tutorials? Yes No

Survery: Adobe Photoshop CS3. Yes or No questions. Really need the answers!!!?house call

1. Yes

2. No

3. Yes

4. Yes

5. Yes

6. Yes

I know you just wanted yes or no answers, but I feel the need to elaborate because, with most of the questions, I don't know what you are comparing PhotoshopCS3 to (CS2 or another photo editing application):

1. Every day, you don't need all the professional tools to everyday jobs.

2. It is actual easier to design Web programs with other applications, but Photoshop makes it easier and produces better quality graphics/images to be components of those designs.

3. Yes

4. It does help if you are having problems with the applications running-- but not if you are having problems running the application. They are not going to tell you how to do something.

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