I'm kind of newbie with photoshop CS (to be honest, any kind of photoshop), and so I have a lot of questios, most of them found while I was studying some tutorials... -.-
1-What's the ''Paint Bucket'' and how do I use it?
2-Can you explain me shortly what's the ''transparent pixel'' and how do I lock it?
3-What's the ''burn tool'' and how do I use it?
4-What's the ''flood fill tool'' and how do I use it?
5-By the way, the 4 little ''windows'' that appear on the right side of the screen are gone (better yet, I clodes them by accident -.-''). How do I get them back?
6-What's the ''dodge tool'' and how do I use it?
Note: When I ask ''How do I use it'', I really mean ''Where do I find it and how do I activate it''. Sorry, my bad! ^_^''
Note2:If someone knows about some good tutorials for photoshop CS or above, please tell me where to find them. I found some in deviantart.com, but they don't tell me everything I need. Any kind of tutorial is welcome.^^
Thanks loads^^!
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I can answer a few:
1) for filling a space with a solid colour.
3) Darkens the area.
5) Click on window%26gt;layers. Play around, these are the windows you can open and close by choice.
6) lightens the area.
All the tools are in the tools window. Go to window%26gt;tools to make the window appear. Its the longest and normally appears on the left. When you hoover your mouse over the buttons, the names of the tools appear.
Hope this helps.
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