Monday, August 9, 2010

Photoshop... which version to buy???

For a college course, they require Adobe Photoshop 3.0. I've been looking around and they have a Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0 + Premiere Elements 3.0 package. I've never used Photoshop so... if you had to pick, would you go with the Photoshop 3.0 or the Premiere Elements 3.0? Why?

Photoshop... which version to buy???viruses

Photoshop and Photoshop Elements are two different programs. Get EXACTLY what the syllabus told you to get, or you'll waste your money and fail your class.

Photoshop... which version to buy???antispam

Since it's for class, try checking to see if your college offers the software at a discount - many do. Ask at the campus computer lab, bookstore or IT department. You'll probably simply be using the version that they offer.
i am running the CS3 version of photoshop - but jsut to let you know that there are other options available. There is an open source equivelant named GIMP - it free to download and totally legal !! and well worth having a mess on.
3.0 cause its cool
Get the Premiere Elements 3.0. It's the latest and has more features than the Photoshop 3.0 only.
i prefer photoshop 3.0 but it depends on your task requirements

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